Ordering drinks in Spanish
Podcast episode 34 – SEE ALL EPISODES
Hi, welcome back to Speak Spanish with Maria Fernandez. I’m Maria Fernandez, a native Spanish teacher and the author of several courses, like Learn Spanish At Your Own Pace, which you can find on Amazon.
Today you’re going to master ordering some drinks in Spanish.
See also: Maria’s step-by-step Spanish courses.
Today’s question comes from Betty, one of my Facebook followers. Betty says: “I’m going to Spain in a few weeks and I’d like to know how to order drinks in Spanish. Can you help me?”
Being able to order food and drinks in Spanish can make your vacation a lot more enjoyable. And, the good news is, you only need to know a small set of words, and a few sentences, to have a truly memorable experience.
Drinks in Spanish: 10 drinks
Today I bring you ten everyday drinks in Spanish, and 3 very common sentences with those words. So you can start ordering drinks in Spanish today.
First, we’re going to practice saying the ten words. Let’s hear them. Repeat after me:
el agua :: the water
la botella :: the bottle
el café :: the coffee
la cerveza :: the beer
la copa :: the glass
el hielo :: the ice
la leche :: the milk
el té :: the tea
el vino :: the wine
el zumo :: the juice
Let’s say those 10 drinks again. Repeat after me.
Drinks in Spanish: listening drill
And now, let’s do a listening drill. Can you tell me what these words mean?
• el vino :: the wine
• la leche :: the milk
• la copa :: the glass
• el agua :: the water
• el zumo :: the juice
• el café :: the coffee
• el té :: the tea
• la cerveza :: the beer
• el hielo :: the ice
• la botella :: the bottle
Drinks in Spanish: speaking drill
Now, let’s do a speaking drill. Can you tell me these 10 words in Spanish?
• the milk la leche
• the bottle la botella
• the juice el zumo
• the glass la copa
• the ice el hielo
• the coffee el café
• the wine el vino
• the beer la cerveza
• the water el agua
• the tea el té
Drinks in Spanish: sentences
Now that you’re familiar with these ten drinks, I’m going to give you 3 very useful sentences. With those sentences, you can start ordering your favorite drinks today. Here are the 3 sentences. Repeat after me:
• ¿Qué van a tomar?, What are you going to have?
• ¿Me puede traer un botella de agua y un café con leche?, Can you bring me a bottle of water and a coffee with milk?
• ¿Nos puede traer dos cervezas y una copa de vino?, Can you bring us two beers and a glass of wine?
Let’s say those three sentences again.
Listen to this lesson several times over the next few days, to learn these 3 sentences well. And watch out for future lessons where we’ll continue ordering drinks in Spanish.
Have a look at
Maria’s step-by-step Spanish courses
Find out more about my Spanish courses.
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